
 2021-04-20 11:04

摘 要

本文选择石蒜科(Amaryllidaceae)石蒜属(Lycoris)中国石蒜(Lycoris chinensis Traub)、长筒石蒜(Lycoris longituba Y. Hsu et Q. J. Fan)、换锦花(Lycoris sprengeri Comes ex Baker)、红花石蒜(Lycoris radiata (L’Her.) Herb.)、忽地笑(Lycoris aurea (L’Her.) Herb.)等五种植物叶片作为研究对象,运用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)对其叶片进行检测,旨在初步分析其叶片中挥发性物质的成分特点。其中,中国石蒜、长筒石蒜、换锦花分别取营养生长旺盛期的叶片和营养生长衰退期叶片进行检测,以作对比。同时以石蒜科文殊兰属文殊兰作为参照,比较石蒜属与文殊兰属挥发性物质的差异。结果显示:石蒜属植物共检测出了31种成分,总体来看其中含量大于5%的主要成分有6种,分别是:反式-3-己烯-1-醇、1,2-环氧环辛烷、(E)-3-己烯-1-醇乙酸酯、2-已烯醛、正己醛、乙酸叶醇酯。其中,中国石蒜和长筒石蒜的营养生长旺盛期叶片含量最高的挥发性物质化合物为1,2-环氧环辛烷;换锦花营养生长旺盛期叶片含量最高的挥发性物质化合物为(E)-3-己烯-1-醇乙酸酯;忽地笑和红花石蒜营养生长旺盛期叶片含量最高的挥发性物质化合物为2-已烯醛。中国石蒜、长筒石蒜、换锦花的营养生长衰退期叶片含量最高的挥发性物质化合物为反式-3-己烯-1-醇。与石蒜属植物相比,文殊兰属挥发性物质的差异体现在文殊兰的挥发性物质析出了大量的乙酸乙酯以及苯类,而几种石蒜属植物则没有相应化合物析出。



This article selects Amaryllidaceae Lycoris Lycoris chinensis Traub, Lycoris longituba Y. Hsu et QJ Fan, Lycoris sprengeri Comes ex Baker, safflower Five plant leaves, such as Lycoris radiata (L'Her. Herb.) and Lycoris aurea (L'Her. Herb.), were studied by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The blade is tested to analyze the composition characteristics of the volatile substances in the leaves. Among them, Chinese Lycoris, Lycoris radiata, and brocade were taken for detection during the vegetative growth period and the leaves of vegetative growth decline for comparison. At the same time, the difference between the volatile substances of Lycoris and Mangosteen was compared with the use of Mangosteen of Mangosteen. The results showed that 31 species were detected in Lycoris. In general, there were 6 main components with content greater than 5%, namely: trans-3-hexen-1-ol, 1,2-ring Oxycyclooctane, (E)-3-hexen-1-ol acetate, 2-hexenal, n-hexanal, acetate acetate. Among them, the volatile matter compound with the highest leaf content during the vegetative growth period of Chinese Lycoris and Lycoris radiata was 1,2-epoxycyclooctane; the volatile matter compound with the highest leaf content during the vegetative growth period was E)-3-hexen-1-ol acetate; the volatile matter compound with the highest leaf content during the vigorous growth period of nectar and safflower is 2-alenal. The volatile substance compound with the highest leaf content in the vegetative growth decline period of Chinese Lycoris, Lycoris radiata and Regent Flower is trans-3-hexen-1-ol. Compared with Lycoris, the difference in volatile matter of Mangosteen is reflected in the large amount of ethyl acetate and benzene in the volatile substances of Wenshulan, while the species of Lycoris have no corresponding compounds.

Key words: GC-MS; volatile substances; Lycoris

目 录

1 文献综述 - 1 -

2 石蒜属植物研究现状 - 2 -

2.1 石蒜属植物的分布 - 2 -

2.2 石蒜属植物科研概况 - 3 -

2.3 石蒜属植物开发利用状况 - 4 -

2.3.1园林观赏 - 4 -

2.3.2药用 - 5 -

2.3.3工业 - 6 -

3 挥发性物质研究现状 - 6 -

4 研究石蒜属叶片植物挥发性物质的意义 - 7 -

5 石蒜属植物叶片挥发性物质测定 - 8 -

5.1 实验材料 - 8 -

5.2 实验方法 - 9 -

6 结果与分析 - 10 -

6.1 叶片不同处理方法对固相微萃取GC-MS检测的影响 - 10 -

6.2 不同发育阶段叶片固相微萃取GC-MS检测结果 - 11 -

6.3 不同植物种类叶片GC-MS检测的差异 - 19 -

7 结论与讨论 - 24 -

致 谢 - 26 -

参考文献 - 27 -


石蒜属(Lycoris)植物有着“中国郁金香”的美誉。它是球根花卉,多年生草本植物,属于单子叶植物纲石蒜科(Amaryllidaceae),具有地下鳞茎以及奇异的花型与丰富的花色,此外,部分属内物种还有花香,如中国植物志记录的香石蒜(Lycoris incarnata Comes ex C. Sprenger)。


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