
 2021-04-20 11:04

摘 要

RNA-Seq技术是一项可以在全基因组范围内研究基因功能和基因结构的转录组技术,有助于在转录水平揭示生物学相关过程的分子机制,已被广泛地应用于分子生物学研究相关的很多领域。RNA-Seq数据处理过程主要分为3个步骤:(1)将读段映射(Mapping)到参考基因组上;(2)利用匹配到的读段对基因或转录组进行构建;(3)通过计数匹配到基因或转录本上的读段数目来计算基因或转录本表达值。RNA-Seq Reads定位是大多数RNA-Seq数据分析的第一步,与后续分析结果的精度密切相关。因此,对于RNA-Seq数据分析而言,选择一个合适的Reads比对软件是非常重要的。在本研究中,比较6种RNA-Seq比对软件(Tophat2,HISAT2,STAR,BBMAP,GMAP和SUBJUNC)在9组受杨生褐盘二孢菌感染杨树叶片的RNA-Seq数据的比对表现。本研究结果将为杨树黑斑病的基因数字表达谱和基于参考基因组的转录组拼接提供有效的比对软件,有助于在转录水平理解杨树黑斑病分子机理。


Comparative analysis of six alignment tools for RNA-Seq data of the infected poplar leaves


RNA-Seq is a transcriptomic technology which can be used to study the structure and function of genes at a whole-genome scale, contributing to reveal the molecular mechanisms of biological processes at transcription level. RNA-Seq has been widely applied in many areas of molecular biology research. RNA Seq data processing process is divided into three main steps: (1) mapping of RNA-Seq Reads to the reference genome; (2) construction of genes or transcripts using these mapping results; (3) the number of Reads that align the gene or transcriptional transcript to calculate the expression value of the gene or transcript. RNA-Seq mapping is the first step in most RNA-Seq analysis, which has a big influence on the accuracy of subsequent analysis results. Hence, it is very important to choose a suitable alignment tool for RNA-Seq analysis. In this study, we compared the performance of six RNA-Seq alignment tools (Tophat2, HISAT2, STAR, BBMAP, GMAP and SUBJUNC) on nine RNA-Seq data of the poplar leaves infected by Marssonina brunnea. The results will provide an effective alignment tool for digital gene expression profiling and genome-guide transcriptome assembly in poplar balck spots, and contribute to understand the molecular mechanism of poplar black spots at the transcriptional level.

Key words:RNA-Seq; Mapping; Alignment tool; Marssonina brunnea


1 文献综述 4

1.1 杨树黑斑病 4

1.2 RNA-Seq技术 4

1.3 RNA-Seq Mapping 5

1.4 RNA-Seq比对软件 6

1.4.1 Tophat2 6

1.4.2 HISAT2 6

1.4.3 STAR 6

1.4.4 BBMAP 6

1.4.5 GMAP 6

1.4.6 SUBJUNC 7

1.5本研究的内容和意义 7

2 材料和方法 8

2.1 实验数据 8

2.2 实验工具 8

2.2.1 质量控制(Quality Control) 8

2.2.2 比对软件 9

2.2.3 Picard 9

2.3 实验方法 9

3 实验结果 10

3.1 RNA-Seq数据的质量控制 10

3.1.1 Read SRR1292430 10

3.1.2 Read SRR1295576 10

3.1.3 Read SRR1295578 10

3.1.4 Read SRR1295579 11

3.1.5 Read SRR1295581 11

3.1.6 Read SRR1295582 11

3.1.8 Read SRR1295586 12

3.1.9 Read SRR1295587 12

3.2 RNA-Seq数据的Mapping结果 12

3.2.1 Tophat2的比对结果 12

3.2.2 HISAT2的比对结果 13

3.2.3 STAR的比对结果 13

3.2.4 BBMAP的比对结果 14

3.2.5 GMAP的比对结果 14

3.2.6 SUBJUNC的比对结果 15

3.3 结论 15

致 谢 17

参考文献 18

1 文献综述

1.1 杨树黑斑病

杨树的用途非常广泛,拥有非常高的经济价值和生态价值。但是近几年,杨树的病害也随之增加,其中杨树黑斑病是其中发病范围最广和危害最大的一种病害。杨树黑斑病能够导致了杨树树叶大量成熟前脱落,幼树大量死亡,造成了巨大的经济损失。杨生褐盘二孢菌(Marssonina brunnea)是引起杨树黑斑病的主要致病菌之一,该致病菌在欧洲、美洲、大洋洲以及亚洲均有发现[2]

我国的杨生褐盘二孢菌存在2种专化型,依据对杨属不同派别致病力不同及分生孢子萌发时产生的芽管数量不同划分为单芽管专化型(M. brunnea f.sp. monogermtubi)和多芽管专化型(M. brunnea f.sp. multigermtubi)[3]。单芽管专化型,分生孢子萌发时产生一个芽管,在自然条件下以侵染白杨派树种及其杂交种为主,对黑杨派及青杨派树种致病性较低,在 PDA培养基上其菌落颜色为深褐色,产生酱红色的孢子堆。多芽管专化型分生孢子萌发时产生1~5个(通产2~3个)芽管,在自然条件下以侵染黑杨派树种及其派内杂交种和黑杨派同青杨派的杂交种为主,在PDA培养基上其菌落颜色为浅白色或浅褐色,产生黄绿色的孢子堆。两个专化型菌株之间不能发生菌丝融合,为两个独立的遗传群体。

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