
 2021-04-20 11:04

摘 要



  1. 建立石蒜根部连续切片技术。通过总结文献中石蜡切片制作流程,探索制作石蒜植物根切片的适宜的固定时间、预染方法,以获得连续性较好的根部显微实体照片;
  2. 利用ImageJ等软件完成了石蒜根尖部分三维重构,形成了数字化根。在计算机中,可以软件从不同角度、大小和整体(或者局部)来观察石蒜根;
  3. 利用构建出立体的石蒜根部三维模型讨论了其维管束发育方向和起始位置;提出石蒜根是由上而下发育,皮层部分发育早早于根中柱部分。

关键词:三维重建; 解剖学; 石蒜; 根部; 石蜡切片

Three-dimensional reconstruction of lycoris radiata root and anatomical study


Three-dimensional reconstruction of biological anatomy is a way from two-dimensional slice (fault) to three-dimensional overall expression. In plant anatomy, the development of this technology mainly solves the problem of the previous two-dimensional image cannot express the whole structure of plant intuitively and vividly. This paper taking the root of lycoris radiata as the object of study uses the technology of plant anatomy to get the continuous slice of root and achieves the aim of three-dimensional reconstruction of plant root, which lays foundation for researching the anatomy meaning of lycoris radiata root in the future.

Based on the above purposes, the main work of this paper includes:

1. Building up technology of continuous slice of lycoris radiata root. Through concluding the making process of paraffin section in literature and exploring the appropriate and fixed time and pre-dyeing method of making the lycoris radiata root slices to gain the micrograph of root with better continuity.

2.Utilizing the ImageJ software to complete the three-dimensional reconstruction of the apical part of lycoris radiata to form digital root. In the computer, lycoris radiata root can be observed from various perspectives, size and entirety (or local) in this software.

3. This paper uses and constructs the three-dimensional mode of lycoris radiata root to discuss the developmental direction and initial position of vascular bundle, and it also put forwards that the lycoris radiata root is developed from up to bottom and the cortical part develops earlier than the root column.

Key words: three-dimensional reconstruction; anatomy; lycoris radiata; root; paraffin section

目 录

1 文献综述 1

1.1 石蒜属植物概述 1

1.2 植物根的形态学研究 1

1.3三维重构研究进展 2

1.3.1 切片三维重构原理 2

1.3.2 三维重建技术在植物学研究中应用 3

2 石蒜根部的连续切片 4

2.1引言 4

2.2 材料与方法 4

2.2.1材料 4

2.2.2 材料固定与预染 4

2.2.3 石蒜石蜡包埋与切片 5

2.2.4 切片与观察拍照 5

2.3 结果 7

2.4讨论 8

3石蒜根部解剖学研究 9

3.1引言 9

3.2材料与方法 9

3.3结果与分析 9

3.4 问题与讨论 11

4石蒜根部显微结构的三维重构 12

4.1引言 12

4.2材料与方法 12

4.2.1 实验材料 12

4.2.2切片的图像数据采集 12

4.3 结果与分析 13

4.4结果与讨论 16

结 论 18

致 谢 19

参考文献 20

1 文献综述

1.1 石蒜属植物概述

石蒜属植物的花,享有“中国郁金香”之称[1],开花时色彩鲜艳,花色、花型都有很大变异,遗传类型丰富;其冬季出叶,夏季休眠和秋季开花所造成的“花、叶分离”的现象一直为人们所感叹。从该属物种数量统计上看,我国是石蒜属资源最丰富的国家,共有15 种;从分布区域上看,我国也是具有石蒜属植物分布最广泛的地区。

围绕石蒜属植物的生物特性,国内外学者进行了大量的相关研究,包括系统进化研究,杂交育种研究,生长发育研究,繁殖栽培研究,植物资源利用方面的研究[2-6];在应药物开发利用方面,围绕石蒜植物的药用成分也做了大量研究[3, 7, 8]

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