
 2021-04-20 11:04

摘 要




关键词长筒石蒜 花葶 单子叶植物 三维结构 解剖


摘要 2


引言 5

1 花葶的作用 6

2 石蒜的经济价值 7

3 材料与方法 9

3.1 材料 9

3.2 切片 10

3.3 观察与拍照: 10

3.4 实验流程 10

4 结果观察 11

4.1 长筒石蒜小花梗在花葶上的着生 11

4.2 长筒石蒜花葶(顶端)的解剖结构 12

4.3 长筒石蒜小花梗在花葶着生 13

4.4 花葶中小花梗与花葶维管束的过渡区 14

5 结果讨论 15

5.1 花葶与小花梗解剖结构 15

5.2 小花梗在花葶顶部着生方式 15

5.3 在花葶顶部存在一个连接小花梗与花葶维管束的过渡区(图4)。 15

致谢 16

参考文献 17

南京林业大学毕业设计(论文)任务书 18


Scapes showed their Longtube Stonegarlic is a part of the inflorescence, it is also important. Scapes showed at the top is flower stalks the raw parts, is also a small terrier obtain nutrition from scapes showed important channel. Understand its anatomical structure to understand the floret development has an important role. This experiment adopts serial section method, through selecting important stage developmental stage three-dimensional contact analysis, this paper analyzes the flower stalk their Longtube Stonegarlic and scape showed the structure of the characteristic and development mode.

The results show that: (1) their Longtube Stonegarli scape showed and flower stalk a transverse structure are similar to typical monocot anatomical structure, composed of epidermis, basic tissue and vascular bundle, vascular bundle are arranged for bulk type; But scape showed vascular bundle number than flowers one more layer, the layer is into the vascular bundles of flowers; (2) their Longtube Stonegarli floret starting development may not be synchronized, but formed by development. Its performance for the flower stalks and tepals separation between each other is not synchronized, there is a order; (3) their Longtube Stonegarli at the top of the scape showed part there is a "transition zone". The finished flower stem vascular bundle system transition with scape showed vascular bundles.

Scape showed at the end of the paper, also discussed with floret anatomy, flowers on the top of the scape showed the way and the transition zone.

Key wordsLongtube Stonegarlic Scape Monocotyledoneae Three-dimensional structure




石蒜属中每一种植物都具有极高的观赏价值,作为地被植物、切花及组合盆栽均可,是极具特色的球根花卉。虽然日本石蒜属植物仅 6 种但从 20 世纪 50 年代开始,日本学者就对世界石蒜属的植物进行了系统研究,培育了大量石蒜属植物新品种,并将其广泛应用于园林绿化和鲜切花 。我国拥有极其丰富的石蒜属植物资源,拥有的种类占该属总数的,其中特有种 12 个。但仅石蒜、忽地笑、中国石蒜等少数几种作为地被在园林绿化中得到应用,对于石蒜属植物作为鲜切花的应用和研究也刚刚起步作为花卉重要研究内容的花期调控方面的报道也很少。石蒜属植物具有极强的适应性和抗逆性,是极富市场潜力、优良环保的球根花卉。石蒜属植物的广泛推广应用对于增加我国球根花卉新种类,培育具有完全自主知识产权的球根花卉新品种意义重大。因此,对我国石蒜属植物资源进行收集整理,并对其开花生理、观赏性状和特征进行系统研究,同时加快石蒜属植物新品种培育进程,对于推动我国球根花卉产业的可持续发展将具有深远意义[1]

石蒜科石蒜属为东亚特有属。该属植物具有独特的花叶不相见的特性和极高的观赏价值,是极具我国特色的球根花卉。石蒜属植物的花期集中在 7—9 月,这极大地限制了其作为切花、盆栽花的推广应用石蒜科石蒜属为东亚特有属,全世界约 20 种,我国种类最多,约 15 种; 日本 6 种,朝鲜 2 种,老挝、缅甸各 1 种。我国的石蒜属植物中,特有种 12种,分布全国15个省( 自治区) ,以华东地区种类最多,为其多样性分布中心。该属植物为多年生球根草本,有鳞茎; 花茎实心; 叶带状,先于花或后于花抽出; 伞形花序排列于花茎之顶;花被漏斗状,喉部有鳞片; 雄蕊着生于花被管的喉部,下倾; 子房下位,每室有胚珠数颗; 花柱长, 果为蒴果。本属所有种类均具有很高的观赏价值,被誉为“中国的郁金香”[2]

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