
 2021-04-20 11:04

摘 要

由于百合花粉污染问题,培育少花粉或无花粉百合新品种已成为国内外百合育种的主攻方向之一。本研究以亚洲百合‘H08-03’(♀, 无花粉发育)与 ‘Pollyanna’(♂, 花粉正常发育)杂交创制的新种质为试验材料,对其育性遗传规律进行初步探讨,并采用BSA法构建无花粉基因池和有花粉基因池,结合SRAP标记技术,筛选与亚洲百合无花粉性状连锁的分子标记。研究如下:



Study on pollenless traits of Asiatic hybrid lily by SRAP Markers


Due to the problem of pollen pollution in lily, cultivating less pollen or pollenless lily varieties has become one of the main direction of lily breeding in the world. In this study, the F1 individuals from the cross of Asiatic hybrid lily ‘H08-03’ (♀, pollenless) × ‘Pollyanna’(♂, pollen) were used as materials. Firstly, the fertility inheritance of the materials was discussed; then, the pollenless and pollen pools were mixed respectively according to the BSA method; finally the SRAP molecular markers linkaged with the pollenless trait in Asiatic hybrid lily were screened. The main results are as follows:

By studying Hybrid population,it presumably infered the pollenless trait is a quality traits controlled by one recessive gene.With the optimized SRAP-PCR reaction system, 108 pairs of primers were firstly screened with effective amplification out of 272 combinations. Then, 27 primer combinations gave polymorphic amplification patterns. After amplificating the 27 primer combinations between the pollenless and pollen gene pools, 3 SRAP markers linkaged with the pollenless trait were acquired, namely EM2/ME3、EM2/ME9 and EM17/ME14. On the basis of testing individual plant in F1 population, the 3 markers were all amplified with differential fragments beween the pollenless and pollen segregation progenies. The length of the differential fragments are respectively about 350bp、200bp、280bp, named as E2M3-350、E2M9-200 and E17M14-280.The study confirmed that the 3 markers can be used for molecular assisted breeding and the early prediction about pollenless germplasm resources of Asiatic hybrid lily.

Key words:Asiatic hybrid lily; pollenless trait; SRAP markers;

目 录

第一章 文献综述 - 1 -

1.1 百合种质资源 - 1 -

1.2 百合育种概况 - 1 -

1.2.1 百合常规育种现状 - 1 -

1.2.2 百合分子育种现状 - 2 -

1.2.3 百合雄性不育研究现状 - 2 -

1.3分子标记方法 - 3 -

1.3.1 SRAP标记 - 3 -

第二章 与亚洲百合无花粉性状相连锁的SRAP标记 - 5 -

2.1 材料、试剂与设备 - 5 -

2.1.1 试验材料 - 5 -

2.1.2 试剂与设备 - 5 -

2.2 试验方法 - 5 -

2.2.1 SRAP标记实验前期工作 - 5 -

2.2.2 样品DNA的提取和质量检测 - 6 -

2.2.3 与亚洲百合无花粉性状相连锁SRAP标记的筛选 - 6 -

2.3 结果与分析 - 7 -

2.4 讨论 - 12 -

第三章 结论 - 13 -

致 谢 - 14 -

参考文献 - 15 -


1.1 百合种质资源


百合主要分布在北半球的温带和寒带地区,在热带的高海拔地区也有少量分布,而在南半球未发现有野生种分布[4]。中国野生百合分布范围很广,跨越了亚热带、暖温带、温带和寒带等4个气候带,其中西南和华中地区的野生种尤其多。其在海拔1000至4000 米之间的垂直地带均有分布,自然生境差异特别大,阴坡、林缘、林下、岩缝及草甸等环境中均有百合的存在,由此形成了四个明 显的分 布 带:中国西南高海拔山区分布带、中国中部高海拔山区分布带;中国东北部山区分布带;中国华北山区和西北黄土高原分布带[5]

1.2 百合育种概况

1.2.1 百合常规育种现状

由于百合的种类多,分布广,对气候的要求也不尽相同。因此,国外引进的新品种和本国跨地区的移植都必须进行引种试验。1998年吴家耀等[7]就荷兰百合在昆明地区引种栽培中的一些关键技术措施进行了研究;2000年赵丽辉[8]对荷兰亚洲型种群(Asiatic Hybrids)中的3个品种和东方型(Oritental Hybrids)中的6个品种在长春进行了引种栽培试验,诸如此类的引种研究为百合的适应性栽培提供了科学依据。

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